I AM A LEADER journal began in 2017 when Leadership4kids.com founder, Peter J. Liang, began exploring various after-school programs for his kids, Benjamin and Audrey. There were certainly many options available for academics, sports, arts, and music, but he couldn't find anything focused on leadership skills such as focus, confidence, mindfulness, and grit.

Given Peter's own experience with leadership and personal growth development, he knows how important those skills are for children as they mature into teens and eventually as responsible adults. The Ledership4kids  program is an exciting, fun, action-packed program designed to help children gain specific skills so that they can apply them in a school setting and other demanding leadership situations. Since then, his program has become hugely popular and grown quickly through word of mouth.

The I AM LEADER journal came straight out of the daily assignments from Peter's Leadership4kids program. After seeing countless examples of how a simple daily journal can help kids gain skills such as self-awareness, confidence and grit, Peter decided to publish it so more children could benefit from the daily practice of journaling.

WHAT'S INSIDE:  12 Weeks, 12 Topics
  • Week 1: Gratitude
  • Week 2: Self-Awareness
  • Week 3: Courage
  • Week 4: Power of Intention
  • Week 5: Growth and Mindset
  • Week 6: Communications
  • Week 7: Collaboration
  • Week 8: Persistence
  • Week 9: Goal Setting
  • Week 10: Grit
  • Week 11: Take Action
  • Week 12: Make a Difference

TAKE A LOOK INSIDE:  Week 1 - Gratitude

“I am a Leader: A 90-Day Leadership Journal for Kids” Debuts as the #1 New Release on Amazon

“I am a Leader: A 90-Day Leadership Journal for Kids” Debuts as the #1 New Release on Amazon Parents can support leadership growth in...